What a beautiful day it was in St. Augustine shooting the wedding of Courtney + Demetre! Master Photographer Julie took a special road trip to go photgraph these two on their wedding day. Check out all all their gorgeous photos below!
Love these bridesmaid dresses!
These girls were all smiles all day long 🙂
I love these beautiful smiling ladies!
What a stunning bride, love everything about the classic look!
You know the guys had their fun too of course 🙂
What an absolutely stunning church! St. John the Divine Greek Orthodox Church
This is too sweet!
Courtney with her big beautiful smile!Love the bubbles, it’s not too often you see a ceremony exit these days! Beautiful and classy 🙂
Sometimes the boys even want to hold the bouquet 😉
Beautiful! Just love the reflections!
I love this idea, champange as your table number, brilliant!
This photo is so sweet!
Congrats again you two! We are so happy for you and had such a wonderful time with you on your beautiful day!
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