Meagan + Brandon recently had a stunning beach wedding at the Hilton Clearwater Beach, and we’re so happy to share some of the images from their amazing day. These two live in New York, but their wedding was a beach event, and it couldn’t have been more perfect! Meagan + Brandon had such a fun wedding, surrounded by their family and friends, and we were honored to get to be a part of it! 🙂
I love this bridal party shot! Everyone looks so excited for the day ahead! 🙂
This bridal portrait is absolutely stunning!
I love these pictures of everyone on the beach – it looks like they’re all having such a great time!
This beach-styled reception was perfect for Meagan + Brandon’s celebration! Confetti Events did an amazing job coordinating the details of the day.
Now this looks like a fun party, right!?
Congratulations Meagan + Brandon! Thank you for choosing us to celebrate your big day with you!
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