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Ybor City Engagement Photos – Kari + Larry

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Shout outs to Kari + Larry for their modeling fantasticness (yup, fantasticness) on their recent Engagement Session. We started out the session in Ybor City. I love shooting here and finding unique locations, spots that have not become cliche but instead are interesting and inspiring in and of themselves (an awesome brick wall or loading dock, a narrow alleyway with graffiti-lined walls, or an old set of wooden steps). Many times these locations are a bit more off the beaten path as well, which often allows our clients to relax a bit and have some fun without everyone and their mother watching. 🙂

Kari and Larry dressed so perfectly for the Ybor City shots, Kari in her vintage red dress with silver broach, and Larry in his black and whites with a skinny black tie. Perfect. Loved it. Next Kari changed into a beautiful navy dress and Larry into khakis and a blue and white button-up, and I took them down into one of my recent favorite shooting spots by the Florida Aquarium. This setup worked PERFECTLY for a romantic sequence of the two of them together in front of an old Navy ship. The light was perfect–gotta love that. 🙂

Last we ended up on Davis Island for some evening photos along the river with the skyline in the background. Kari + Larry…you guys were awesome and I’m way excited for the big day. See you soon!!

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Okay how awesome is Kari’s pose here??! C’mon, Kari. You friggin rock! 🙂

So cute.

In. Love.

Okay so these flowers had seen better days, but hey… 😉

Kari takin’ charge. 🙂

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One of my favorites from the shoot. Straight off a movie set.

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The yellow flowers were the perfect touch to make these images pop. We had already shot on this wall but when I realized they had these flowers we had to re-shoot a few.

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REAL men hold flowers. 🙂

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This was one of my favorites from the day too. So sweet. You guys are so cute together. Love it.

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This one too. Kari was JUST about to crack a bit smile.

And how cool is this wall??? The tones matched perfectly.

Kari showing Larry how it’s done. No seriously, that’s what she was doing. 🙂 🙂

Larry getting it right…

And the inevitable consequent reaction. 🙂

Another favorite from the shoot.

Okay seriously how amazing do these guys look here??!

So romantic. You guys are perfect.

Because everyone, at some point in their life, needs a portrait with a gigantic rudder in the immediate background. 😉

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Loved the lighting on these too. The last bits of sunlight before we headed off to our last location on….

…Davis Island. Just next to the harbor there is the perfect walkway lined with streetlamps, so we were able to use available light and keep the mood and romance of the evening without disrupting it with harsh flash.

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Thank you guys so much for such a great shoot. It was an absolute pleasure. 🙂 And we’re SO excited about the big day coming up this November! It’ll be here before we know it!

  1. Love these! Especially the three that follow after the proposal with the big ring!

  2. Hello Kari & Larry

    To me all the photos are beautiful! What can I say, you are meant for each other!! I can’t wait to see the wedding pictures 😉

    Love you both,


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