Award-winning wedding photography studio

K&K Photography



7 Just for Fun

Blythe’s 3rd Birthday Party, Curious George Style :)

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Truth be told Ana and I are truly doting parents. 🙂 Not “doting” with all of the oft-associated negative connotations, but just purely we-give-our-kids-probably-100-hugs/kisses-per-day doting. And nothing makes Blythe smile more than a day at the park with a homemade cupcake the size of his head with a Curious George toy stuck in the frosting on top. 🙂 We had such a great time with all of the friends and family who came out to Sandkey park that day–thanks again everyone!! Check out a few pics below of the birthday boy and his perfectly park-ish party a few weeks back (Tax Day to be exact). 🙂



  1. I’d be a doting parent too if I had kids as amazing as yours too. Awesome pictures and even more awesome kids. =)

  2. Kelly says:

    Cutie pies!!!!!!

  3. Samantha says:

    What a great event, so sad I missed celebrating with the lil monkey! Glad you guys are so awesome at capturing the magic in the moments. Love you!

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I'm Jessica and I'm so happy you're here. This blog a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, and style. Stay a while and say hello!

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Dolor mixtape food truck Austin, assumenda Odd Future Carles ani Echo Park cillum.


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Every wedding is unique and there is no one-experience-fits all. We work closely with our clients to create incredible art together and approach our pricing similarly.

We will provide a custom quote for your session, but this guide will give you a sense of how we work and what you can expect. 


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